This playfest was held on March 26, 2012. It was Monday. This was the day we were waiting for because we really prepared hard for this date. It's been a month of preparation that we took before this performance and we were so grateful as a class that we were able to accomplish everything we need for the play :) When we arrived at the venue, the theater was about to be full and everything is being fixed on the stage, which added pressure to me because in an hour, the performance of my lifetime will arrive. As a class, we prayed and stayed focus minutes before the stageplay.

The play went positive and impressive enough for all of us despite it was just our first time to perform in a theater in front of a massive audience! We made some couple of mistakes but our commitment and determination to our play prevailed at the end. For me, everybody performed well and some of us performed above expectations like Jason and Mika, who won Best Supporting Actor and Actress respectively. I congratulate them for their well-deserved awards! :) And with my performance, I know that I made some mistakes and I need more experience, but I gave my very best though! Still, it was a very good job for all of us, Grade 9 class! :) At least, we proved that we have the potentials to perform extremely well in front of many viewers! I was the narrator, I had my loud and clear voice during the play which was my strongest point and I need more experience and build up more confidence for me to perform better in the future!

Music Festival
Well..this was held on March 27, 2012. The day after the English Playfest. Actually, I didn't perform during this day since I already performed in the Playfest and I admit, I don't have the talent when it comes to playing instruments or anything related to music! :D haha..but 4 of our classmates represented our class during this Musicfest. Tom and Mark performed K-pop music. Sam and Yu Shin played instruments! They performed well especially Yu Shin, right M_ _ _ _ _? Haha..peace XD Well..I just watched this event with my friends. We enjoyed the event and had fun! And wait..look who's back! It was Solomon! One of our beloved 3 kings! :D We missed him and we enjoyed our time with him!

For me, all performers during the musicfest performed well and I know all of them gave their A performance to give the audience a wonderful time watching. In our case, we watched and enjoyed the event. It was a great success, as well as the playfest! I can say that this events were our performances of our lifetime! :)

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