Back with a Bang!
We are back to the reality, again. The Holy Week break is over and it’s all business at school now. Time to submit stressful school works and most teachers are cramming because a lot of days have passed and we haven’t reached the middle part of the lesson plans, so it will be a tougher and more stressful schedule for all of us as we will deal with more lessons, at the same time, more homework and projects as we hurry to catch up with the lessons that we need to learn. That is life. I can say that just 1 week have passed after the holy week break, I’m pressured already since we are flooded of projects this quarter. I can say that I am not giving enough time to my girlfriend already since I am doing a lot of things already, but thankfully she understands me and I want her to be proud of me! J Well, it is the last quarter and I’m doing all my best to finish my school year in an excellent note and again, it is the final push and I need to pull all my best that I can to succeed and go to higher level of learning!

Is it only your girlfriend that you want to be proud of you? :p