Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oh My Chemistry!

Oh My Chemistry!


             Oh my Chemistry! When I was in elementary, my cousins and friends in High School used to tell me that they disliked Chemistry because according to them, it was so confusing that will make you dizzy and will soon destroy your brain. I thought they were wrong because I thought Chemistry was fun and interesting! There are variety of elements, compounds, mixtures, reactions, and many more informative topics. At that time, I was really excited to learn and encounter Chemistry. Then here comes now the bad reality! All I thought about Chemistry before were false. Now, as a 9th Grader or 3rd Year High School student, I realized that I was completely wrong and what they were telling me about Chemistry were all facts. From the 1st quarter of this school year, I was starting to have a hard time understanding Chemistry topics, even though some were just reviews from the previous school years. But in this subject, I think those simple things got more complicated as we go deeper to better understand their contents. However, the problem is as we go deeper, quarter by quarter from 1st up to now, 4th quarter, topics are just getting more complicated and they give us more headaches to think about! That’s why some of my classmates, including me, sometimes get asleep because it means, we can’t take it anymore! I don’t know if the problem is because the topics are really complicated, or our brains are just not functioning since Chemistry class is held right after lunch or (maybe because of the teacher himself) Haha! :D You know what I mean! But what I discovered this year is Chemistry is one of the toughest and craziest subject I ever had in my life and I really dislike Chemistry from now on! I just proved my cousins and friends correct because in this subject, I never reached an A or even A-! Geez! I know this is the last quarter and I really need to work harder and pray harder to pass this subject, especially the quarter exams! Let good luck be on my side and I hope God will help me survive this nightmare entitled Chemistry!

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