Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rising Up to the Challenge

Rising Up to the Challenge
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          Every challenge we encounter is a tough mission to complete and to succeed. We need self confidence, complete hardwork, and full determination to overcome every challenge. We need to work hard but we should always remember that we should never give up easily and always rise up to the challenge. At school, practicing for the upcoming playfest on March 26th is a huge challenge for all of us because I think it is our first time to perform in a theater in front of a supposed-to-be massive audience that’s why we take this preparation seriously. All of the characters, including myself as the narrator are practicing hard for this special event like the projection and delivery of our lines. We should be able to speak loud and clear and act at the same time for the audience to appreciate our performances. We should deliver them in a superb way or in the best way that we can give like when we act, we should treat it like it is a real experience or the reality and as what Miss Mae is telling, we should always stay in character and never lose focus to be able to perform well and to succeed in this challenge. As of now, we are improving, still in progress, and getting better. I can say that it is the reward that we have as of now. With my status in my performance, I tell you that I’m still in progress and still improving while practicing harder. They say that my tone in delivering my lines need improvement but my projection in speaking loud in the audience is perfect so I still need more practice, self confidence, and full determination to get better. But one thing that never loses in me is my focus. I’m focused every time I perform and do my very best in everything I do because I always rise up to the challenge! J

Beat The Heat!

                                Beat the Heat!
        What season is it now?! It’s summer time again! We feel the heat from the blazing sun above and no doubt that most of us want a vacation and to feel relaxed! It’s time to do whatever you want to do since you are free EXCEPT for the students in MITIS and other international schools that do not follow Philippine schedule. Usually during summer, you are FREE to do anything you want. Go to beach, have a vacation, play, go to mall, sleep, relax, etc. But for other people, the intimidating and hot temperature of summer is just like a real nightmare that we feel as of now. Here in the Philippines, which has a tropical climate and even becomes hotter in temperature because of global warming, we always find ways to refresh and cool our heads and feel relaxed. One of the best ways to beat the heat and feel the refreshing coolness of summer is to experience the freezing and refreshing desserts that will surely give us the best summer of our lives!

                  Imagine enjoying a “halo halo” in every bite, 
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                        Licking an ice cream in a Popsicle stick
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And tasting the ever delicious Cornetto or KFC Krushers right now.......yum yum! :P

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          It will be a great feeling for our souls and of course for our bodies and minds. Actually, for me, all of those desserts that I mentioned are my favorite desserts and for me, experiencing their delicious and heavenly tastes will take away my stress and can complete my day because it feels like I’m in heaven having comfort and feel relaxed! I hope by right now, I have all of them and tasting them at the same time because it will be a great pleasure for me to feel them to refresh myself and beat the heat! J yum! :P