Our Beloved Mama MAE! :)

This is Miss Maya Malanum, with a nickname "Mayapot", our beloved adviser as well as our 2nd mother in our lives. So first of all, I want to say Happy Mother's Day! Haha..oops! I mean, Happy Teacher's Day! :) We all know that Miss is still a single lady who is still in search for his "prince charming". She has these dream guys in Chris Lutz, Rob Reyes, etc. haha! But even though she's still single, she became our 2nd mother. She gave her time and full attention to her "children" at school, Grade 9 students. She shares her time with us, had bonding with us and shares happiness and drama with us! I want to thank Miss Mae for everything she shared with me and my classmates. She has been kind, caring, responsible, generous, understanding, and loving advise and mother to all of us! :) Even sometimes, we were naughty and childish, she still goes to the flow and had fun together! But she knows when to be serious and when to stop which makes her a versatile teacher. Inside the class, she taught us English lessons and the lessons that we need to learn in school. But besides that, we had fun while learning. We shares laughter, happiness, sometimes, sadness and a lot of drama! Haha! For me, Miss Mae is like a student too because she knows how to interact and live with us, students! What I will always remember about her is her words, "Chos!" and "Lurlur" Haha! She gives me lunch whenever I don't have lunch, treat us in many way, like food trip, watch PBA games live, in hanging out with class, and many more! I can also remember the time when she lent me something when I was in trouble (Miss Mae knows this, right Miss?), especially when we watched PBA Game 6 of the Finals. I ordered a lot because I was so hungry but my journey back home was the problem so she showed her kind heart to me and you know it Miss! "Sa uulitin po!" Haha joke! :D Far beyond English, Miss Mae taught me the value of life. I admit that Miss Mae changed my character and the way I treat my life. She taught me of being positive all the time and live our lives to the fullest because life is a wonderful blessing from our creator by sharing her blessings to us and sharing her knowledge to all of us. She did a lot for Grade 9. We will always cherish our times and moments with her. Miss Mae had made a difference this school year not only for me but for all us that's why she is a very special person tome and she will always be part of my life. I promise that when I take my journey to success in the future, I will give my credit to Miss Mae for giving me confidence and changing my character. Miss Mae will be part of my success, that's for sure! I will never forget the name "Mayapot"! Haha..you are such a great and inspiring adviser and mother to me! Whatever happens, stay happy and always smile because like what you did to us, being there on our side all the time whenever we need you, we will also do the same for you whenever you need us! :) We will always remember you and THANK YOU SO MUCH Mama MAE! Haha! :)